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Commitments that SSI Makes to Our Customers

At SSI, we have provided exceptional products and services to our customers for over 50 years. We remain committed to customer satisfaction by providing the best value, quality, and expertise available in our field.

Value- Our in-house approach allows us unparalleled flexibility and control over a project’s final outcome. By using our own forces to engineer, fabricate, install, and control a project, we eliminate problems associates with sub-contract work. Approximately 85% of our work is done on a turnkey basis utilizing our own personnel.

Quality- Projects at SSI range from small system modifications to multi-million dollar green-filed programs. Our conveyors are used in the manufacture and processing of small products, weighing only several ounces, to unit loads over 100,000 pounds, and almost every shape and size in between.

Expertise- We serve a diverse customer base that spans many industries including: Packaging, Sortation, Automotive, Defense, Appliance, Aerospace, Agricultural equipment, Steel Mills, Warehousing, Food Processing, Bulk Storage and HVAC Manufacturing.

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